About Wipro
Wipro is an Indian multinational organization that provides services like Information Technology, Business Processes, and consultants. The Indian IT industry has been rapidly growing in recent years so rise in employability, job hunting, and supply. According to sources, the IT industry increased up to $136 billion. Wipro is engaged in the FMCG sector which is the most consumable market. Its initial commodity was vegetable oil which was marketed under ‘Sunflower Vegetable’. Hygiene products also the company offers Santoor bath soap, Yardley, baby soft, CFLs, LEDs, and smart lights also in the pocket of the company.
Wipro has been in a relationship with 1,400 clients who are purely dedicated to the company. It contains 250,000 active employees who are working for the company with full dedication so the company enriches as much as the state. Working employees are the backbone of any company; their diverse skills, expertise, and innovation bring the company in advanced areas to explore.
The company spread its footprints in over 66 countries till now and maintains the international standard company to serve its clients. For its stakeholders and clients the company delivers excellence and work quality. This feature made the company distinguish itself from its peers and competitors.
What is Wipro Share Price?
Wipro shares were listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. Wipro’s share price is Rs.492.1 and today’s is decreasing by 0.63 %. As far as I know, its trading stock volume is 3,536,976. In the past 7 days, the volume was in good condition. As shareholders bought it at an average price today is showing a lower state but it will boost up after its volume release.
What is Wipro Valuation?
The market cap of the company is $31.10 billion. This cap made the company the 587th world most valuable company. Market cap is commonly known as market capitalization.
What is Wipro’s Net Worth and Profit?
The initial days of the company were mainly focused on hardware manufacturing but later on, they also tried the software and had huge success in the market. It became a well-known name in the IT industry. Nowadays it is India’s third-largest IT firm. This is coming after Infosys and TCS. The net worth of the company in the 2023 fiscal year shows an amount of 781 billion and it was 658 billion in the previous fiscal year.
Who is the founder of Wipro?
In 1945, Wipro Company was founded by Mohamed Hasham Premji in Amalner, Maharashtra. Initial Stage Company was established as Western India Palm Refined Oils Limited. When Mohamed Hasham Premji died then 21 years old Azim Premji took the charge of the company in 1966. Azim released that the refined oil business have limited scope so he move to the IT sector and started to manufacture minicomputers in collaboration with company it was American Company named Sentimental Corp. In 1982, it began its manufacturing unit which was producing computer hardware and software. Company this transition from a food product company to a technology-related company was not an easy task.
Wipro Product and Services
Wipro is now available in the market as Wipro Consumer Care (WCCLG). Nowadays it’s the fastest-growing FMCG firm and it offers cosmetics, infant care, commercial and residential lighting, electric gadgets, kitchen and office furniture, and wellness products. Services offered by the company are available in the market are given below-
- Information technology
- It understands all IT-related problems. It provides solutions for optimization, management, and creation which access the information in different business processes. For instance, if we take the example of medical fields then the IT team will keep the database of the hospital and make that data as much smoother through technology then staff members easily access the data.
- Infrastructure services in technology
- Outsourcing business process
- Consultancy
Wipro Mission and Vision
Vision- we contributed to the globally in e-society. Information exchanged beyond the space and time with globally. We break down the boundaries of countries, culture and religion. We would take part in social activities in securely. Long term vision is to established among country and also outside of countries.
Mission – the core of Wipro is spirit of company. Our values is what we are, it’s our character. It’s about behaviour. Essence of company is exchange and unchanging. Values are our main motive to serve people with excellent service and product.
Wipro Future Plans
Recently company announced that it would invest the amount of $1 billion in artificial intelligence and also made a new position in the market through this project. Through this technology, clients will unlock new values. New working style, new challenges, and also will focus on the business model. Wipro followed the ai360 formula which provides solutions to all problems. The company is giving training to its 250000 employees in AI technology courses I about 12 months through these employees learn about AI technology.